Posted on 2016-5-26 17:32:27
Bamboo is wonderful and elegant floor covering that give your interior space a great look and feel. The best part about it is that it is natural, environmentally friendly, easy to maintain and fairly inexpensive. It is similar to hardwood flooring and as such it requires attention and maintenance if you want to get the best out of it.
Cleaning your bamboo floor
When it comes to bamboo floors, dust, sand and small particle happen to be its greatest threat to its beauty. They usually cause scratching and scarring when they are pressed down as people walk across the floor. These tiny grains can make a lot of damage to your flooring over time, if they are not handled properly. Always ensure that you don’t allow them to build up on your floor and you can use mats and rugs at any entrances to the room to reduce the amount of grit particles entering the space. Ensure that you dust them regularly.
You can also ensure regular cleaning by using a number of products that have been developed and designed specifically for cleaning bamboo floors. You can also make use of hardwood floor cleansers provided that they are non-wax and non-alkaline.
Water on a bamboo flooring
Bamboo floors are more water resistant than hardwood floors, however water still is quite distractive. You should only use a damp mop when removing surface stains and picking up small debris. However you should not let the floor remain moist for more than a few minutes. You should also make sure than you don’t immerse it in water for any reason.
Ensure that you wipe any liquid spill on the floor immediately. Because of its porous nature liquids can penetrate its surface and cause deep stains that will be impossible to remove.
If you happen to be using a bamboo floor cleaning product that requires to be used by mixing with water, ensure that you follow all the manufacturer’s instructions.
Bamboo flooring wax
When it comes to waxing, most people usually think of all the effort they will take in it. It requires periodic buffing with large complex and expensive machines. Bamboo floors are recommended to have a wax surface coating only in certain commercial applications. Once it has been applied no other coating can be used. A urethane finish is usually more popular in a lot of installations.